Transparency Act Statement from Føn Energy Services

The Transparency Act is a new Norwegian law which promotes enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services; it also ensures that public has access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions as well as secure public access to information.

The Act applies to larger enterprises that are residents in Norway and that offer goods and services in or outside Norway. The Act also applies to larger foreign enterprises that offer goods and services in Norway. The Act requires enterprises to establish guidelines, perform human rights due diligence, establish actions to mitigate risk, and to monitor results, stakeholder dialogue and access to remedies. The Act entered into force on 1 July 2022.

Føn Energy Services and its subsidiaries have established guidelines and routines to safeguard human rights and decent working conditions throughout its operations. The core governing documents for Føn Energy Services’ management of and compliance with human rights and decent working conditions is the Code of Conduct.

Føn Energy Services has a whistleblowing channel available for external reports. Føn Energy Services has not received any grievances or whistleblowing concerning human rights and decent working conditions. Furthermore, Føn Energy Services has not identified any actual adverse impacts or significant risk of adverse impacts through its risk assessments or the due diligences of business partners.

Should Føn Energy Services contribute to adverse human rights impact we shall take necessary steps and strive to remedy the adverse impact. Føn Energy Services’ policies and procedures, contractual terms and conditions, due diligence while onboarding and ongoing monitoring of business partners represent key risk mitigating measures for addressing significant risks of adverse impacts concerning human rights and decent working conditions.


Transparency Act Statement - 2023 (Norwegian only)

Redegjørelse etter åpenhetsloven for året 2023 FØN Energy Services AS